GeoCorr Blog
Inline Pipeline Inspection Business Insights

20 Dec, 2021

Highway Traffic and the Effect on Pipelines

GeoCorr Highway Traffic and the Effect on Pipelines Aerial Shot of Highways

Most of the time, we think gas pipelines are only associated with filling up fuel tanks when it comes to highway traffic. However, interstate agencies and utility networks run over and under one another to maintain safe operations. As a result, there are sometimes unfortunate events involving highway traffic and its relative effects on pipelines. Take a look at how highway traffic correlates with damage to pipelines.

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13 Dec, 2021

Europe May Be Facing Record Low Gas Storage by Winter's End

GeoCorr Europe May Be Facing Record Low Gas Storage by Winter's End European City Transportation

Cold weather, concerns about probable disruptions to Russian supplies, and delays to the planned Nord Stream 2 pipeline pushed gas prices near record highs recently. Due to an early cold spell and reduced Russian flows, Europe's gas storage levels might approach record lows by the conclusion of the winter heating season, according to Gas Infrastructure Europe statistics. This would leave consumers and businesses with substantially higher costs for a longer period of time than previously anticipated.

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27 Aug, 2021

Pipeline Project Costs to Increase as Labor, Raw Materials Prices Surge

GeoCorr Pipeline Project Costs Increase Image of Yellow Construction Hats on Ground

Onshore pipeline projects may cost 4 to 6 percent more by the end of 2022 as labor, raw materials and transportation prices surge according to Rystad Energy analysis.

Rystad Energy -- an independent energy research and business intelligence company, released its report Aug. 9, 2021 – says that materials, which account for 30 to 40 percent of the total costs for a pipeline, are expected to increase 2 to 3 percent and may approach $1 million per kilometer in leading pipeline regions such as the United States.

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9 Aug, 2021

Pipeline Projects Vary by Diameter Across the United States

GeoCorr Pipeline Projects Vary by Diameter Across the US Rows of Pipes

Pipeline Inspection companies and their crews need to be flexible enough to handle various pipeline dimensions with new pipeline projects starting in the United States in 2021 ranging from 6 inches in diameter to 42 inches.

There was a time when inline inspections with intelligent pigs could only handle large dimension pipes but advancing technology now allows for pigging devices to handle cleaning and inspections of smaller diameter pipes, all the way down to 3 inches.

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