GeoCorr Blog
Inline Pipeline Inspection Business Insights

12 Jul, 2021

The Impact of Corrosion on Pipelines

GeoCorr The Impact Corrosion on Pipelines Workers and Large Pipe

Pipelines are the major arteries of the energy sector, transporting oil, gas and other crucial products that fuel the American economy. Keeping these arteries healthy and free of defects is critical as a failed pipeline can lead to significant property damage, injury, and death.

Corrosion is one of the leading causes of pipeline incidents with the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) data showing 18 percent of pipeline incidents on average were caused by corrosion between 1998 and 2017.

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29 Jun, 2021

Understanding Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Technology

MFL Technology, GeoCorr

Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) has been around since the 1960s but, thanks to technology advances, still has the lion’s share of the global intelligent pipeline pigging service market. MFL, Technology used to detect corrosion and pitting, is one of the most popular inspection tools of in-service pressurized pipelines.

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20 May, 2021

Exploring the Different Types of Pipeline Cracks

welder welding pipeline cracks

Pipeline safety is always a crucial subject and is at the center of a dispute in the past month between the state of Michigan and a Canadian pipeline company. The Calgary-based Enbridge’s Line 5, which transports up to 540,000 barrels of natural gas liquids and crude oil, under the Great Lakes and across Michigan each day was ordered shut down on May 12 by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer due to safety concerns of the aging infrastructure.

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19 May, 2021

Completed Pipeline Projects Increase Natural Gas Capacity in U.S.

Gas pipeline

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Natural Gas Pipeline Project Tracker showed that new natural gas pipeline capacity increased by approximately 4.4. billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) with four new pipelines came into service between November 2020 and January 2021.

The four projects ranged from Michigan to Texas to West Virginia. Here is a look at the four new pipelines:

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27 Apr, 2021

“Gas Mega Rule” Aims to Prevent Pipeline Spills, Deadly Gas Explosions

The oil and gas industry has been working the past year to implement integrity management and mitigating plans in response to the Pipeline Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration’s (PHMSA) “Gas Mega Rule” which was adopted in 2019 and went into effect on July 1, 2020.

Split into the three parts, the Gas Mega Rule looks to prevent pipeline spills and deadly gas explosions by strengthening safety in more than 500,000 miles of pipelines that carry natural gas, oil, and other hazardous materials in the U.S.

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14 Apr, 2021

The Importance of Pipeline Inspections

Most of us take energy for granted in our daily lives until something goes wrong. We know it is important but that usually does not hit home until the power grid goes dark and the lights go out or your vehicle runs out of gas on a lonely stretch of blacktop.

Yet, from the first thing each morning when we fire up the coffee maker to the moment we turn out the nightstand light and our heads hit the pillow, our modern lives rely on the oil and natural gas industry.

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18 Mar, 2021

Common Pipeline Pigging Terms You Should Know

The pipeline inspection industry has a language all its own starting with the term “pigging” to describe using pipeline inspection gauges to inspect, clean and perform other pipeline operations.

While “pipeline inspection gauge” certainly does form a nice acronym for “pig”, the term “pig” and “pigging” was born, according to NPR, because the earliest pipeline cleaning deices, made from bales of straw wrapped in barbed wire, made a pig-like squealing noise when travelling through pipes.

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24 Feb, 2021

Oil Pipeline History & How They Work to Distribute Oil Across the US

GeoCorr Oil Pipeline History

It has been 160 years since the first modern oil pipeline was laid and it is still the most cost-effective mode of transporting liquid petroleum and natural gas across the country to help assist the everyday lives of Americans.

There are some 2.8 million miles of oil and gas pipelines in the United States and that number is growing with 9,000 miles currently being built or expanded and another 12,500 miles of pipeline that has been approved or announced.

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